Strategic & Risk Advisory Services – Igaa

Strategic & Risk Advisory Services

    • Techno-Economic Feasibility Studies

The major goal of a techno-economic feasibility study is to assess the project’s financial viability and technical feasibility, as well as to identify and analyze the project’s risks and take the necessary steps to reduce them. It is a research project that entails a thorough examination of a project’s technological features as well as its financial viability in the market. Process design, capital / operating cost estimation, and equipment sizing are only a few of the significant aspects of this study.

    • Economic Viability & Financial Appraisal

When the project’s benefits outweigh the project’s costs, the project is called economically feasible. Economic benefits are regarded as a measure of project value that will be supplied to the general public.

The use of discounted cash flow methodologies to examine a specific business-related problem in financial terms is known as financial assessment. It’s a method for examining the worth of net cash flows to estimate the financial feasibility of a proposed project.

    • Business Plan Review

For mid- and large-scale enterprises undergoing business plan assessment, GAA Advisory assists in making informed decisions. This is a once-a-year review that is used to analyze and examine the business plan. The goal of a business review is to perform research on the business plan and come up with new revenue-generating ideas, which will help the company develop.