Technical Support Services – Igaa

Technical Support Services

    • Lender’s Independent Engineer Services

Financial institutions, bankers, and investors must do a thorough examination of their investments before investing in order to protect lenders& interests and limit risk. A lender’s engineer’s primary role is to thoroughly inspect the physical status of work on the job site and to write a detailed report on the funding used on the project in order to safeguard the lender from money laundering.

    • Technical Due Diligence, Technical Opinions

Technical Due Diligence is an important risk management strategy that aids in recognizing the benefits and drawbacks of an M&A transaction before making an informed decision.

    • Chartered Engineers Opinion & Certification

The Institution of Engineers India (IEI) issues Chartered Engineer Certification, which is useful for recognizing techno-academic qualifications and professional accomplishments. The Chartered Engineer Certificate is beneficial for valuers and loss assessors in a variety of financial institutions, including banks and insurance firms. The certificate aids in obtaining contracts from government agencies for civil projects. The certificate holder is also eligible to work as a self-employed consultant in India or other countries.

    • Project Cost Investigations

Every project and cost spent on the project has an accountability aspect that necessitates a comprehensive examination and aids in preventing inaccuracies caused by the distortion of facts of the given costs to lenders, investors, and regulatory organizations.

    • Project Appraisal & Monitoring

Initial project evaluation, problem definition, consultation, producing choices, comparing, and ultimate project selection are all components that go into project appraisal. The process of closely analyzing the project life cycle as a whole and ensuring that project-related tasks are carried out effectively is known as project monitoring. In other words, it is the process of comparing actual performance to the desired outcomes.